Ausstellung von Johnny Lightning (1653)
4 sale
BGA Personal Coins
JL's Treasure Chest
Icon Infocode Bild Name TB99T2W Glaucus Draconis Purpureus - 08/75 TB7WZN2 Green Lantern Mystery Geocoin TB1HKA6 Isle of Man II Geocoin (150) Polished GoldTB53CTC Medieval Caching Geocoin (15) Antique Silver & Blue Glitter XLE (15)TB2MQDZ OshnDoc - Family Matters Geocoin (40) LE (#14/40)Avroair Calling Card Shiny GoldCache Owl Geocoin Antique Copperda Vinci Geocoin - Knights Templar Antique Bronzeda Vinci Geocoin - Paris Meridian Antique BronzeLouis Cifer Geocoin - Ice Version Antique SilverMagic: The Gathering, Ixalan Treasure Piece Magic: The Gathering, Rivals of Ixalan Trackable: Pirate Magic: The Gathering, Rivals of Ixalan Trackable: Vampire SR-71 Geocoin - RE (150) Black NickelStressed Geocoin JL's Treasure Chest - Block Party 2015
Icon Infocode Bild Name TB7DDV0 Block Party 2015 Geocoin 2015 Block Party Ammo Can Geocoin - AS XLE (50) 2015 Block Party Cube Geocoin - 2015 Block Party - Silver XLE (50)2015 Block Party Cube Geocoin - Found/DNF - Silver XLE (50)2015 Block Party Cube Geocoin - HQ L&F - Silver XLE (50)2015 Block Party Cube Geocoin - Official Geocache - Silver XLE (50)2015 Block Party Cube Geocoin - Original Stash - Silver XLE (50)2015 Block Party Cube Geocoin - Yellow - Silver XLE (50)JL's Treasure Chest - Coin Garage
Icon Infocode Bild Name TB78YAN 2CV Geocoin - La Champenoise LE 100TB78Y72 2CV Geocoin - La Tour Eiffel LE 100TB78Y5Q 2CV Geocoin - Le Boujolais LE 100TB79THN Bonnie and Clyde Death Car Geocoin TB6GY57 Campervan Geocoin TB6N72Z Cord 812 Geocoin TB73TCZ Geo-Beetle Geocoin TB6PB8J Geo-Defender Geocoin TB6NYDC Geo-Mini Geocoin TB6J9PA Käfer Geocoin TB71ABA The Turbo Booster LE 100TB71AE0 The Turbo Booster XLE 50TB6MJ13 Vintage Gas Pump Geocoin 2009 Michigan Geocaching - Model-T Geocoin Antique GoldCachemobile East Geocoin Caching in Muscle Cars - Mustang Fastback Geocoin Black Nickel - RedCaching in Muscle Cars - Mustang Fastback Geocoin Black Nickel - Dark GreenCaching in Muscle Cars - Mustang Fastback Geocoin Black Nickel - White XLECaching in Muscle Cars - Mustang Fastback Geocoin Black Nickel - BlueCaching in Muscle Cars - Mustang Fastback Geocoin Polished Nickel - BlackCaching in Muscle Cars - Mustang Fastback Geocoin Black Nickel - YellowCaching in Muscle Cars - Mustang Fastback Geocoin Black Nickel - Primer Grey LECorvette Racer Geocoin - Daytona Blue Corvette Racer Geocoin - Ermine White Corvette Racer Geocoin - Fawn Beige Corvette Racer Geocoin - Riverside Red Corvette Racer Geocoin - Saddle Tan Corvette Racer Geocoin - Sebring Silver Corvette Racer Geocoin - Silver Blue Corvette Racer Geocoin - Tuxedo Black Ford Model T Geocoin - Black RE Ford Model T Geocoin - Brewster Green LE (75) Ford Mustang Geocoin - Bullit Ford Mustang Geocoin - Goldfinger XXLE (25) Ford Mustang Geocoin - GS Orange Ford Mustang Geocoin - GS White Ford Mustang Geocoin - I am Legend Ford Mustang Geocoin - Need for Speed XXLE (25) Ford Mustang Geocoin - The Princes Diaries Ford Mustang Geocoin - War of the Worlds Geo Camper on Tour Geocoin Gizmo Geocoin - Nickel Polished NickelHummer Racer Geocoin Isetta Geocoin - Love Maintenance Signal - GCFE SE (50) GCF 2015 Eindhoven SE (50)Mustang Madness Geocoin My Little Corvette Geocoin - Red Polished NickelMy Little Corvette Geocoin - Yellow Black NickelOctavia Scout Geocoin Racer Geocoin OrangeSkoda Yeti - einfach mehr zu erzählen Geocoin - Moostier - LE (50) Antique CopperSkoda Yeti - einfach mehr zu erzählen Geocoin - Wassertier - LE (50) Antique SilverSummer Classic '57 Chevy Geocoin - Blue Glitter Summer Classic '57 Chevy Geocoin - Orange Summer Classic '57 Chevy Geocoin - Red Temecula Association 2007 Geocoin Polished NickelTrabi Geocoin - Gletscherblau JL's Treasure Chest - Compass Rose Geocoins®
Icon Infocode Bild Name TB7P92R 10th Anniversary Compass Rose - Argo Navis LE TB7P901 10th Anniversary Compass Rose - Carina TB7P8B2 10th Anniversary Compass Rose - Puppis TB7P8BF 10th Anniversary Compass Rose - Pyxis TB7P7RN 10th Anniversary Compass Rose - Vela TBR7Q9 2006 Compass Rose Geocoin Polished Nickel RETB16A6C 2006 Compass Rose Geocoin - LE Polished Gold LETB1GE64 2007 Compass Rose Geocoin - AB Antique Bronze VersionTB1GFPB 2007 Compass Rose Geocoin - AS/PG Antique Silver & Polished GoldTB1GGC3 2007 Compass Rose Geocoin - BN Black NickelTB1GDXV 2007 Compass Rose Geocoin - SG Satin GoldTB2BTP1 2008 Compass Rose Geocoin - AB Antique BronzeTB2BVTV 2008 Compass Rose Geocoin - AB/AS Antique Bronze & Antique SilverTB2BTXK 2008 Compass Rose Geocoin - AC Antique CopperTB2BRQH 2008 Compass Rose Geocoin - AS Antique SilverTB292EJ 2008 Compass Rose Geocoin - LE Black Nickel & Polished Nickel LE (60)TB2BWPH 2008 Compass Rose Geocoin - PN/PG Polished Nickel & Polished GoldTB3B39D 2009 Compass Rose Geocoin - AB/PS Antique Bronze & Polished Silver VersionTB3B3QX 2009 Compass Rose Geocoin - AC/PN Antique Copper & Polished NickelTB3B2P3 2009 Compass Rose Geocoin - AS/PG Antique Silver & Polished GoldTB3B3WR 2009 Compass Rose Geocoin - LE Black Nickel & Polished Nickel LETB3B33Z 2009 Compass Rose Geocoin - PG/PN Polished Gold & Polished NickelTB3B2D6 2009 Compass Rose Geocoin - PN/PG Polished Nickel & Polished GoldTB440AM 2010 Compass Rose Geocoin - Corvo Corvo EditionTB440ND 2010 Compass Rose Geocoin - Flores Flores VersionTB43ZCW 2010 Compass Rose Geocoin - Pico Pico VersionTB43Z12 2010 Compass Rose Geocoin - Santa Maria Santa Maria VersionTB44014 2010 Compass Rose Geocoin - Terceira Terceira VersionTB4V7MW 2011 Compass Rose Geocoin - Dawn to Dusk Dawn to Dusk VersionTB4V8G7 2011 Compass Rose Geocoin - Daybreak Daybreak VersionTB4V6ZP 2011 Compass Rose Geocoin - Eclipse Eclipse VersionTB4V6NF 2011 Compass Rose Geocoin - Midnight Sun Midnight Sun versionTB4V8X0 2011 Compass Rose Geocoin - Twilight Twilight EditionTB5GJ2Y 2012 Compass Rose Geocoin - .Congo LE TB5GJER 2012 Compass Rose Geocoin - Cape of Good Hope Polished Nickel VersionTB5GKEW 2012 Compass Rose Geocoin - Kalahari Antique Silver VersionTB5GJWW 2012 Compass Rose Geocoin - Kilimanjaro Polished Gold VersionTB5GKQT 2012 Compass Rose Geocoin - Sahara Antique Bronze VersionTB67T15 2013 Compass Rose Geocoin - .Huitzilopochtli LE Huitzilopochtli Version LETB67RTD 2013 Compass Rose Geocoin - Ehectl Ehecatl VersionTB67RN9 2013 Compass Rose Geocoin - Quetzalcoatl Quetzalcoatl VersionTB67R4T 2013 Compass Rose Geocoin - Tazcatlipoca Tezcatlipoca VersionTB67RFE 2013 Compass Rose Geocoin - Xipe-Totec Xipe-Totec VersionTB6ZZHT 2014 Compass Rose Geocoin - Cosmos LE TB6ZY0Z 2014 Compass Rose Geocoin - Fortune TB6ZYXJ 2014 Compass Rose Geocoin - Immortality TB6ZYVK 2014 Compass Rose Geocoin - Longevity TB6ZYFN 2014 Compass Rose Geocoin - Protection TB7P7GG 2015 Compass Rose Geocoin - .Novaya Zemlya LE TB7P638 2015 Compass Rose Geocoin - Bear Island TB7P6FP 2015 Compass Rose Geocoin - Hook of Desire TB7P75A 2015 Compass Rose Geocoin - Ice Cape TB7P720 2015 Compass Rose Geocoin - Kola Peninsula TB30PTJ 5th Anniversary Compass Rose Geocoin - Antarctic Antarctic VersionTB30V2A 5th Anniversary Compass Rose Geocoin - Black Sea LE Black Sea Version LETB30TDW 5th Anniversary Compass Rose Geocoin - Mediterranean Mediterranean VersionTB30RGJ 5th Anniversary Compass Rose Geocoin - Spice Island Spice Island VersionTB32CYV Crystal Compass Rose Geocoin - Amazon Forest TB32DNC Crystal Compass Rose Geocoin - Earth Stone TB32E1K Crystal Compass Rose Geocoin - Glacier Ice TB8AFYD El Dorado Compass Rose Geocoin - El Dorado El Dorado: Antique silverTB8AFNQ El Dorado Compass Rose Geocoin - Guatavita Guatavita: Antique bronzeTB8AFTZ El Dorado Compass Rose Geocoin - Manoa Manoa: Two tone black nickel + polished 24k goldTB6H5XK Polynesian Compass Rose 2014 Geocoin JL's Treasure Chest - Cuprum
Icon Infocode Bild Name TB2DQA0 Ammonite Geocoin - Early Jurassic (50) Antique Copper Trade Only Version (50)TB2DQGX Ammonite Geocoin - Late Cretaceous (50) Antique Copper Trade Only Version (50)TB2DQNP Ammonite Geocoin - Late Jurassic (50) Antique Copper Trade Only Version (50)TB2DQ0T Ammonite Geocoin - Late Triassic (50) Antique Copper Trade Only Version (50)TB36FM5 Geocaching Across the Atlantic Geocoin (10) Summer Edition Silver & Antique Copper XLE (10)TB71Z0J Gotland Geocoin Antique CopperTB4PV7V Johannes Vermeer Geocoin (30) Antique Copper XLETB5D9Z3 Mainz Geocoin (100) AC - LE (100)TB6XVQZ Mainzelmännchen XMAS - Det Geocoin (65) Antique Copper XLETB1KDHE Original Stash TB3BTPV Vincent van Gogh Geocoin - AC (75) Antique Copper LE (75)TB3TVJ1 VOC Geocoin (15) Antique Copper (Red/White/Blue) XLE (15)15 Years of Geocaching Geocoin - Xantique AE (20) Antique Copper2008 Tadpole Geocoin (30) Antique Copper LE (30)Bergbau Geocoin (75) Bone Wars Geocoin - T.Rex Trix (30) Excalibur Geocoin (75) Antique Copper LE (75)GCF 2016 - Backbag Geocoin (200) Antique CopperGCF 2016 - Edelweiss Geocoin (200) Antique CopperGCF 2016 - Hiking Boots Geocoin (200) Antique CopperIndian Headdress Geocoin - AC Kalevala Geocoin - Green River (60) Antique Copper LELuna Nova Geocoin - Lunar Hegemony (50) Glass on CopperSign of Truth Geocoin - AC Teutonic Knights Geocoin Antique CopperWillem van Oranje Geocoin - AN & AC XLE (10) Antique Nickel & Antique Copper XLE (10)JL's Treasure Chest - Events
Icon Infocode Bild Name TB71G95 Coinstruck Geocoin TB71G6K Coinstruck Geocoin TB71G61 Coinstruck Geocoin - AE (20) Black Nickel & Pink glitter - AE (20)TB82KTQ GeoPippo Geocoin (70) TB4RC5Q Halloween – Fear on the Screen Geocoin Antique Silver LE (100)TB2NPT3 Halloween-event 2008 Geocoin (100) LE (100)TB6PB2R Oxn Geocoin (125) TB7G96P Project 250 Geocoin (100) TB5D9C6 Tooghanger Events Geocoin (150) Antique Gold RETB5D9AK Tooghanger Events Geocoin (50) Antique Silver LETB5D99A Tooghanger Events Geocoin AE (25) Antique Silver no color SE (25)Geocoin Black & White Geocoin Geocaching Around The World Geocoin Reis door de tijd Halloween – Fear on the Screen Geocoin - AG LE Antique Gold LEHalloween 2016 Geocoin - AB / Red (35) Halloween 2016 Geocoin - SG / Purple (35) Op zoek naar de elementen Geocoin (75) Antique SilverJL's Treasure Chest - Mega Events
Icon Infocode Bild Name TB79E1F Event am See Geocoin TB1KA77 GME Mega Event Geocoin TB51Z52 Landmachtdagen Geocoin Antique SilverTB51Z9V Landmachtdagen Geocoin Antique GoldTB78470 Mega Sweden FAD 2015 trackable (200) CopperTB6WHYN MegAdvent Geocoin 2014 TB6WJEK MegAdvent Geocoin 2014 TB6WJT4 MegAdvent Geocoin 2014 TB7BWH7 Red Lion meets Signal 2015 - Blue TB7BWDD Red Lion meets Signal 2015 - Grevenmacher TB7BWMR Red Lion meets Signal 2015 - Red TB6GFRA TGW14 Trackable Antique Copper LETB6GFD6 TGW14 Trackable Antique GoldTB6GFJ4 TGW14 Trackable Foggy SilverTB6EPG1 The Big Äppel Geocoin Daybreak RETB6EQHV The Big Äppel Geocoin Blue Sky LETB8CD22 Tipi Tipi Tap II Geocoin - Utah LE (150) Antique SilverTB712ZN UK Mega Essex 2015 – Colchester Castle Park Coin TB7137X UK Mega Essex 2015 – Hadleigh Castle Coin TB713Q1 UK Mega Essex 2015 – Museum of Power Coin TB6XGGW UK Mega Essex 2015 – St. Peter-on-the-Wall Coin TB750XT UK Mega Essex 2015 – West Essex Coin 4EF Geocoin Antique SilverBirre's Camper Friends Geocoin Birre's Camper Friends Kompas Geocoin ACBock auf Alsdorf Geocoin - Kohle RE (+350)Cache Event Twente 2018 Dat is Kowelenz 2016 Antique SilverFahrmarke Geocoin - Valkenburg GéoWallons Trackable - Supporter (21/30) Antique CopperGéoWallons Trackable - Supporter Tag # 56 GéoWallons Trackable (056/150) GeoCoinfest 2020 Promo AC (40) Antique CopperGeowallons 2022 Geocoin Geowallons Geocoin 35/60 Going Caching 2015 Event Coin IFF Geocoin (AB) IFF Geocoin (AC) IFF Geocoin (AN) IFF-event Bugle Le Sacre de Signal Geocoin - Nickel Polished NickelLe Sacre des Couleurs Trackable (100) Maije im Saarland - Schwenker Geocoin - LE (185) Antique SilverMega Paris 2017 Geocoin (150) Black NickelNacht der Vulkane 2016 Geocoin AC XXLE (100) Nacht der Vulkane 2016 Kids & Supporter Geocoin LE (75) OFZE 10 jaar Geocoin RE - antique goldProject Geocaching meets Beethoven Geocoin Antique CopperProject Let's Zeppelin 2017 Eventcoin - old RE - Antique Silver & BlueProject Let's Zeppelin Propeller Geocoin (70) Black Nickel LEProject Let’s Zeppelin 2017 Eventcoin - new Project Märchenhaft in Kassel Geocoin XLE ACJL's Treasure Chest - Mega / Brugse Beer
Icon Infocode Bild Name TB6ABZ5 Brugse Beer IV KUBB Event Trackable Antique Silver LETB6ABTP Brugse Beer IV Mega Trackable Antique Silver LEBB6 Mega Event Trackable Antique copper LEBrugse Beer IX Mega Event Geocoin - LE (75) Antique CopperBrugse Beer VIII Mega Event Trackable - XLE (30) Brugse Beer 2 - Sample AS JL's Treasure Chest - Mega / Geocoinfest EU
Icon Infocode Bild Name TB64PM8 Geocoinfest Europe 2013 - Prague Polished CopperTB64PX6 Geocoinfest Europe 2013 - Prague TB64PV8 Geocoinfest Europe 2013 - Prague TB60ANH Geocoinfest Europe 2013 - Prague Autumn Autumn Edition in Polished CopperTB5ZYH0 Geocoinfest Europe 2013 - Prague Spring Spring edition in Polished SilverTB5VYJB Geocoinfest Europe 2013 - Prague Summer Summer Edition in Polished GoldTB5VYNT Geocoinfest Europe 2013 - Prague Winter Winter Edition in Polished SilverTB6PMYF Geocoinfest Europe 2014 ULM Geocoin - L TB6PK0B Geocoinfest Europe 2014 ULM Geocoin - M TB6PGKK Geocoinfest Europe 2014 ULM Geocoin - U Geocoinfest EU 2017 - Original Can of Beans AE (20) Antique Bronze AE (20)Geocoinfest EU 2017 - Original Can of Beans LE (80) Dark Antique Silver LE (80)Geocoinfest EU 2017 - Original Can of Beans RE (100) Antique Tin RE (100)Geocoinfest EU 2017 - Original Can of Beans SE (80) Antique Copper Volunteer versionGeocoinfest EU 2017 - RE AC Geocoinfest EU 2017 - Sponsor 3D Saxophone Geocoin - AB Geocoinfest EU 2017 - Sponsor 3D Saxophone Geocoin - AC (50) #08/50Geocoinfest EU 2017 - Sponsor 3D Saxophone Geocoin - AS (75) SE (75)Geocoinfest EU 2017 - Sponsor 3D Saxophone Geocoin - BN (25) Black Nickel AE (25)Geocoinfest EU 2017 - Sponsor 3D Saxophone Geocoin - PG (50) #08/50Geocoinfest EU 2017 - Volunteer Geocoinfest Europe 2015 Geocoin - Klomp - Volunteer Volunteer Edition - Satin SilverGeocoinfest Europe 2015 Geocoin - Molen - Volunteer Volunteer Edition - Satin SilverGeocoinfest Europe 2015 Geocoin - Tulp - Volunteer Volunteer Edition - Satin SilverGeocoinfest Europe 2016 Event-Coin - AC GeocoinFest Europe 2018 Geocoin - Nautilus 009/100 Geocoinfest EU 2017 - Sponsor 3D Saxophone Geocoin - Sample Antique Copper Sample - Antique CopperGeocoinfest EU 2017 - Sponsor 3D Saxophone Geocoin - Sample Polished Copper JL's Treasure Chest - Mega / GeoNord
Icon Infocode Bild Name TB7CYEG GeoNord 2015 Carboniferous Times Geocoin TB7RDR6 GeoNord 2016 Retour aux Sources Geocoin GeoNord - The Sky Is The Limit 2017 Geocoin Supporter 8/100GeoNord 2017 Supporter - Azur Geocoin (8/100) Antique BronzeGeoNord 2017 Supporter - Loona Geocoin (8/100) Antique SilverGeoNord 2018 Mega Event Trackable GeoNord 2018 Supporter - Lumen (8/100) CopperGeoNord Is A Great Adventures 2020 Trackable GeoNord Is A Great Adventures 2020 Trackable GeoNord Mega Event 2017 Trackable Antique CopperGeoNord Mega Event 2017 Trackable - Souvenir Token GeoNord Mega Event trackable #124 GeoNord Travel Tag GeoNord2016 L.E. - Akwa Geocoin # 008JL's Treasure Chest - Mega / Hoorns Cache Event
Icon Infocode Bild Name TB771DH HCE Mega Event Trackable 2015 TB7Q5JN HCE MEGA Event Trackable 2016 HCE Mega Event Trackable 2017 - AE (40) Satin Gold AE (40)HCE Mega Event Trackable 2017 - RE Antique SilverHCE2018 Trackable HCE2019 Trackable JL's Treasure Chest - Giga Events
Icon Infocode Bild Name TB76K3A Geldirömer Geocoin TB7727X GeoXantike As Geocoin TB7761J GeoXantike Aureus Geocoin TB774HK GeoXantike Denarius Geocoin TB76VKN GIGA GeoXantike 2015 Geocoin Black NickelTB76DK4 GIGA Gutenberg 2015 Geocoin TB71WPC MEGA Gutenberg Mainz 2015 GeoToken TB76BQ4 The Giant GIGA Gutenberg Coin (666) Black NickelTB6MV0A Worldwide first GIGA Event Munich Geocoin (1550) Black Nickel RE (1550)GC77777 - Giga Coin Giga Berlin 2019 Event Geocoin Great Moravia 2017 Geocoin Antique SilverProject Glück Auf 2016 - Event Geocoin - Schacht XII - LE (550) Antique CopperProject Glück Auf 2016 – GIGA-Geocoin (900) Black NickelJL's Treasure Chest - World Multi Events
Icon Infocode Bild Name TB66YVK 11-12-13 & 13-12-13 Multi event Geocoin Belgian Edition (75)TB66YN1 11-12-13 & 13-12-13 Multi event Geocoin Dutch EditionTB5FRY9 12-12-12 Multi Event - Kontich - Belgium Belgian EditionTB6AVZJ Flash Mob XI Geocoin TB2YJYW World Wide Flash Mob V Geocoin Leap Year 2016 Multi Event Poison Dart Frog Geocoin May the 4th be with Signal Belgian Edition Geocoin (93) Third International EarthCache Event Geocoin JL's Treasure Chest - Famous Belgians Series
Icon Infocode Bild Name TB7191F 01. Famous Belgians Series Geocoin - Adolphe Sax Antique Copper LE - 100TB718PG 02. Famous Belgians Series Geocoin - Andreas Vesalius Antique Copper LE - 100TB71954 03. Famous Belgians Series Geocoin - Pater Damiaan Antique Copper LE - 100TB718DF 04. Famous Belgians Series Geocoin - Étienne Lenoir Antique Copper LE - 100TB7187R 05. Famous Belgians Series Geocoin - Adrien de Gerlache Antique Copper LE - 100TB83Q2F 06. Famous Belgians Series Geocoin - Ernest Solvay Antique Copper LE - 100TB89G53 07. Famous Belgians Series Geocoin - Gerardus Mercator AC - LE (100)TB8TQA6 08. Famous Belgians Series Geocoin - Jan Olieslagers Antique Copper LE (100)01a. Famous Belgians Series Geocoin - Adolphe Sax - AE (10) Black Nickel AE - 1002a. Famous Belgians Series Geocoin - Andreas Vesalius - AE (10) Black Nickel - AE (10)03a. Famous Belgians Series Geocoin - Pater Damiaan - AE (10) Black Nickel - AE (10)04a. Famous Belgians Series Geocoin - Etienne Lenoir - AE (10) Black Nickel AE - 1005a. Famous Belgians Series Geocoin - Adrien de Gerlache - AE (10) Black Nickel - AE (10)06a. Famous Belgians Series Geocoin - Ernest Solvay AE (10) Black Nickel AE (10)09. Famous Belgians Series Geocoin - Zénobe Gramme AQ10. Famous Belgians Series Geocoin - Baron Édouard Empain Antique Copper (100)11. Famous Belgians Series Geocoin - James Ensor JL's Treasure Chest - First Nations
Icon Infocode Bild Name TB1DX1A Ancient Cultures Geocoin TB5VCQV BC Map Pin Geocoin - Cariboo Chilcotin Coast TB5VC9J BC Map Pin Geocoin - Kootenay Rockies TB5VCG5 BC Map Pin Geocoin - Northern TB5VBQ7 BC Map Pin Geocoin - Thompson Okanagan TB5VD2T BC Map Pin Geocoin - Vancouver Island TB5VBTE BC Map Pin Geocoin - Vancouver, Coast & Mountains TB352D7 BCGA 2009 Geocoin Antique Copper RETB351ZF BCGA 2009 Geocoin Black Nickel Members EditionTBY977 British Columbia 2006 Geocoin TB1V5WW British Columbia 2007 Geocoin TB2F09K British Columbia 2008 Geocoin TB312F1 British Columbia 2009 Geocoin TB3CYZY British Columbia 2010 Geocoin TB47YZ3 British Columbia Sun/Moon Geocoin Black Nickel Glow in the DarkTB6XRT6 Buffalo Spirit Geocoin TB2KEPQ Canada Micro 2008 Geocoin TB1AB06 Canada Micro Geocoin TB17KZA Crowesfeat30 Geocoin Polished Nickel VersionTB28X53 Crowesfeat30 Geocoin Antique Bronze VersionTB4E1Z7 Generic Geocoin Antique Copper w/ Turquoise GemTB3QMAM Geowoodstock Official VIII Geocoin - Assistant TB3QN93 Geowoodstock Official VIII Geocoin - Attendee TB5C8G0 Indian Summer Geocoin TB58REW Island Spirit Trackable TB2E6T9 Landsharkz Shark Attack Geocoin Black Nickel & Red VersionTB2E6YY Landsharkz Shark Attack Geocoin Polished Nickel & Brown VersionTB2M784 Mimbres 1.0 Geocoin TB2W902 Mimbres 2.0 Geocoin TB379QA Mimbres 3.0 Geocoin TB4N8TG Mimbres 4.0 Geocoin TB2YQFQ Native American Indian Totem Geocoin A.Bronze LETB2YQBH Native American Indian Totem Geocoin A. Silver RETB2YQMP Native American Indian Totem Geocoin A. Copper XLETB2YQP3 Native American Indian Totem Geocoin Polished Silver SETB2YQ11 Native American Indian Totem Geocoin Antique Bronze LETB2YQ5W Native American Indian Totem Geocoin Antique Silver RETB2YQ50 Native American Indian Totem Geocoin Antique Copper XLETB2YPYX Native American Indian Totem Geocoin Polished Silver SETB2YQZK Native American Indian Totem Geocoin Antique Bronze LETB2YQWD Native American Indian Totem Geocoin Antique Silver RETB2YR2M Native American Indian Totem Geocoin Antique Copper XLETB2YR3T Native American Indian Totem Geocoin Polished Silver SETB32267 Native American Indian Totem Geocoin Antique Bronze LETB322RP Native American Indian Totem Geocoin Antique Silver RETB3233F Native American Indian Totem Geocoin Antique Copper XLETB322W5 Native American Indian Totem Geocoin Polished Silver SETB3HRVM Spirit: 2010 Geocoin Antique Gold w/ Jade GemTB3J447 West Coast Eco Totem - Raven Geocoin TB3J48K West Coast Eco Totem – Frog Geocoin TB3J4C7 West Coast Eco Totem – Man Geocoin TB3J4EK West Coast Eco Totem – Sea Otter Geocoin GeocachingDragon 2009 Geocoin Antique BronzeGeocachingDragon 2009 Geocoin Antique SilverNative Salmon Geocoin - AC NW Orca Travel tag NW Thunderbird Travel Tag NW Wolf Travel Tag Rogue Salmon JL's Treasure Chest - Geo-Accomplishments / Trails
Icon Infocode Bild Name TB58QJ3 ET Highway II Geocoin 20 Years of Ammo Caches 81 Grid Champion Coin EarthCache Master Geocoin - Gold Geocoin EarthCache Master Geocoin - Silver Geocoin GeoArt Belgium Coin - AB xxle (25) GeoArt Belgium Coin - AS xxle (25) Antique Silver - XXLE (25)GeoArt Belgium Coin - PG xle (50) Polished Gold - XLE (50)GeoTour Knokke-Heist Geocoin Polished GoldGeoTriad Geocoin HOP WALLY 2017 Last APE Cache Geocoin Powertrail Veenendaal Geo-Achievement Geocoin Antique SilverProject A.P.E.: Tunnel of Light Geocoin JL's Treasure Chest - Geo-Achievements
Icon Infocode Bild Name TB2VFEM Geo-Achievement Finds 1,000 Geocoin TB6K2AY Geo-Achievement Finds 10,000 coin TB2CJ66 Geo-Achievement Finds 100 Geocoin TB65PN0 Geo-Achievement Finds 11,000 coin TB510KY Geo-Achievement Finds 12,000 coin TB5Y2BF Geo-Achievement Finds 13,000 coin TB6AQ26 Geo-Achievement Finds 14,000 coin TB5Y2BP Geo-Achievement Finds 15,000 coin TB59VW5 Geo-Achievement Finds 17,000 coin TB59W1Q Geo-Achievement Finds 19,000 coin TB3QXZ0 Geo-Achievement Finds 2,000 Geocoin TB7AYHX Geo-Achievement Finds 20,000 coin TB8386K Geo-Achievement Finds 25,000 coin TB23QEQ Geo-Achievement Finds 250 Geocoin TB510J5 Geo-Achievement Finds 3,000 Geocoin TB5Y28V Geo-Achievement Finds 4,000 Geocoin TB63Q7E Geo-Achievement Finds 5,000 Geocoin TB23QQD Geo-Achievement Finds 500 Geocoin TB689K4 Geo-Achievement Finds 6,000 Coin TB63Q9R Geo-Achievement Finds 7,000 coin TB689W1 Geo-Achievement Finds 8,000 coin TB59VQD Geo-Achievement Finds 9,000 coin TB2KKBJ J.L.'s 1000 Founds Certificate Geocoin Geo-Achievement 366 Days of Geocaching Geocoin Geo-Achievement Grid 81 Geocoin Geo-Achievement Jasmer Coin Geo-Achievement Mile High Club Geocoin 100 Geocaches 1000 Geocaches 1500 Geocaches 200 Geocaches 300 Geocaches 400 Geocaches 500 Geocaches JL's Treasure Chest - GPS Maze Europe
Icon Infocode Bild Name TB64Z6X First GPS Maze Europe - CAGeo 2013 Geocoin TB76NT2 GPS Maze Europe 2015 Mainz "I Was There" Special Edition Geocoin GPS Maze Europe 2016 Llangollen - AC LE GPS Maze Europe 2017 Plumlov Shiny Copper LEGPS Maze Europe 2018 Zeltweg GPS Maze France 2022 Ohain JL's Treasure Chest - GS
Icon Infocode Bild Name TB6F3PA CITO 2014 Geocoin TB2YYRN EarthCache Geocoin TB6KXRK International Geocaching Day 2014 Geocoin TB7CJE9 International Geocaching Day 2015 Geocoin Adventure Lab Tag Community Celebration Event Tag EarthCache Fossil Geocoin 2018EarthCache Geocoin Satin GoldGeocaching HQ Geocoin - 2015 Silver - RedGeocaching HQ Geocoin - 2016 Green on BronzeGeocaching HQ Geocoin - 2017 Blue on Antique SilverGeocaching HQ Geocoin - 2018 Antique Silver - OrangeGeocaching HQ Geocoin - 2019 AS - PurpleGeocaching HQ Geocoin - 2022 Green on Satin SilverGeocaching HQ Tag - 2022 Groundspeak CITO Geocoin Polished NickelHQ 20 Year Celebration Geocoin HQ 20 Year Celebration Tag International Geocaching Day 2016 Geocoin Satin GoldInternational Geocaching Day 2017 Geocoin International Geocaching Day 2018 Geocoin International Geocaching Day 2019 Geocoin International Geocaching Day 2022 Geocoin Mission GC Geocoin Black NickelPlanetary Pursuit Geocoin Signal Dönerstag Geocoin Satin GoldUltimate Geocaching Trifecta Geocoin Antique BronzeWhere in the World is Signal Geocoin - 2017 Canada SilverWhere in the World is Signal Geocoin - 2018 Australia GoldJL's Treasure Chest - Lackeys / Volunteers
Icon Infocode Bild Name TB6PFM2 Block Party 2014 Tag TB74G4A Community Volunteer Travel Tag TB5T3VY Founder’s PirateTag TB608FD German EarthCache Reviewer Coin – Reviewer Only Edition (160) Black Nickel LETBP0MN Groundspeak Volunteer Geocoin 2005 TB4T46D Lackey Crossing Tag TBQNYX Moun10Bike Geocoin #1344 TB63B8F Obey 2013 Geocoin Polished GoldTB785BA Supporting The Game Volunteer Geocoin 3 Year Tag - Matt E 3 Year Tag - Naren 3 Year Tag - RandolphAgarn Bearded Bacon - DOVA DOV Block Party 2015Ben’s Adventure Tag Block Party 2015 Tag Bryan 2014 Tag Buen Camino Tag CacheShadow Volunteer Tag Community Volunteer Tag Community Volunteer Tag - 2018 Community Volunteers Tag - 2015 Community Volunteers Tag - 2016 Community Volunteers Tag - 2017 2017 Bluede wildeman's Tag Explorer Tag - Jeremy Founders Gnome Tags - Bryan Founders Tag Frau Potter Tag Frog Tag Frog XI Tag Frogfoot1 10 Years Anniversary (60) Frogfoot1 10 Years Anniversary AE (2) Antique BronzeFrogfoot1 10 Years Trackable Tag Geocaching HQ Founders 20 Year Celebration Tag Geocaching HQ Tag HQ Visit August 2015HQ Travel Tag I Met Signal Tag - 20 Years of Geocaching I Met Signal Tag - 2016 I Met Signal Tag - 2018 Jayme’s Adventure Tag Jeremy 2014 Tag Lackey Tag - {GEOSTACHER} Lackey Tag - /V\ario (Dk. Blue) Lackey Tag - /V\ario (Green) Lackey Tag - A Jennifer Lackey Tag - AKPRINCESWARRIOR Lackey Tag - AlikelSea Lackey Tag - ALSO Lackey Tag - AudderPop Lackey Tag - BEN Lackey Tag - Benno Lackey Tag - BONUSTOWN Lackey Tag - bootron Lackey Tag - Bryan (green) Lackey Tag - Captain_Cookie Lackey Tag - CARLY Lackey Tag - CHEERSPEEKAY Lackey Tag - Cruisinhughesin Lackey Tag - DEREK Lackey Tag - dova dov Lackey Tag - dover Lackey Tag - DribbleCastle Lackey Tag - eileenk9 Lackey Tag - em_adventuring Lackey Tag - Frau Potter Lackey Tag - Gary Thriller Lackey Tag - Giacaches Lackey Tag - gminer1105 Lackey Tag - HEATHER FEATHER (scooter) Lackey Tag - HEATHER FEATHER (skates) Lackey Tag - HOLLYWOLLYOXENFREE Lackey Tag - JAYME Lackey Tag - JAYSAY Lackey Tag - JRan333 Lackey Tag - kaboomjack Lackey Tag - KATIE Lackey Tag - KCKD Lackey Tag - LEBBETTER Lackey Tag - LOVE (blue) Lackey Tag - Love (green) Lackey Tag - mamabear Lackey Tag - Markstafari Lackey Tag - Martemous Lackey Tag - MATT Q (blue) Lackey Tag - MATT Q (green) Lackey Tag - MISS JENN (blue) Lackey Tag - MISS JENN (green) Lackey Tag - MountainMoose Lackey Tag - MychaelAnne Lackey Tag - NYKKOLE (blue) Lackey Tag - nykkole (green) Lackey Tag - Oceansazul Lackey Tag - OnCloudDivine Lackey Tag - OpinioNate Lackey Tag - ROCK CHALK (blue) Lackey Tag - Rock Chalk (green) Lackey Tag - Rufio2 Lackey Tag - SASSY BANDIT (blue) Lackey Tag - Sassy Bandit (green) Lackey Tag - SEANDYNAMITE Lackey Tag - SHMELLIS Lackey Tag - SPARKLE DONKEY Lackey Tag - tafby Lackey Tag - THEWORLDISFUN Lackey Tag - UncleJames Lackey Tag - Viatru Lackey Tag - WatermanHQ LackeyBenno Travel Tag - Beard LackeyBenno Travel Tag - No beard Love Geocoin Love Tag Moun10Bike Tag Prying Pandora Geocoin Prying Pandora Trackable Rock Chalk in the Northwest Tag Roths 15 Year Anniversary Event Geocoin Rukubi Volunteer Reviewer Tag Seven Souvenirs of August Trackable Suzy’s Volunteer Tag The Frog Geocoin JL's Treasure Chest - Mega Cities
Icon Infocode Bild Name TB6EV7F Frankfurt Geocoin Antique Copper LE (75)TB6EVRE München Geocoin Antique Copper LE (75)TB76EH3 Mainz - Cachen auf dem 50. Breitengrad Geocoin Antique Copper LEBerchtesgaden-Cachen am Walzmann Geocoin (50) Antique Copper XLEBerlin - Cacherhauptstadt Geocoin (30) Eindhoven Cachen zwischen Dommel und Gender Geocoin (50) Antique Copper XLEEssen Eine Perle des Ruhrgebiets Geocoin (50) Antique Copper XLEFriedrichshafen - Cachen am Bodensee Geocoin (50) Antique Copper XLEHamburg Cachen an Elbe und Alster Geocoin XLE (30) Kassel - Cachen im Weltkulturerbe Geocoin (50) ACKoblenz Cachen im Weltkulturerbe Geocoin (50) Antique Copper XLEVulkaneifel - Cachen rund um die Maare Geocoin (50) Antique Copper XLEJL's Treasure Chest - Navigation
Icon Infocode Bild Name TB13YCM Belgian Geocoin - AG TB13VR3 Belgian Geocoin - AS Antique Silver RETB13ZQM Belgian Geocoin - BN Black Nickel XLETB2KDWH Cross Staff & Back Staff Geocoin Antique Copper VersionTB2GY30 Matlock75's V1 Compass Rose Geocoin Nickel & Polished Gold LE (75)TB4ZH64 Mercator Geocoin (75) Polished Silver - XLE (75)TB2CH5X Quadrant Geocoin Shiny Gold XLE (25)TB26GFD Sextant Geocoin Antique Silver & Polished Gold LETB2NW8V Suncompass Geocoin Black Nickel & Polished Gold LE (100)Cosmolabe Geocoin - PG Polished GoldHogwild Compass Geocoin - AC Antique CopperMapamundi XXL Geocoin - AS & Color LE Antique Silver & Color LEMariner's Astrolabe Geocoin - AC & AS Antique Copper & Antique SilverNocturnal Geocoin - Black Nickel & Glow-in-the-Dark XLE (25) Black Nickel & Glow-in-the-Dark XLE (25)Northern Planisphere Geocoin V.2 detailed back Southern Planisphere Geocoin V.2 Silver V.2 detailed backVoyage of Exploration - Sea Geocoin JL's Treasure Chest - Vereenigde Geocoins Compagni
Icon Infocode Bild Name TB19XW4 VGC Geocoin 2006 - Saffier VGC Geocoin 2006 - Franky639 Polished Gold LEVGC Geocoin 2006 - Karel Kraak #047 Black NickelVGC Geocoin 2006 - MADpalace & Schattige Zoeker CopperVGC Geocoin 2006 - Team Delta 123 Polished Gold LEVGC Geocoin 2006 - Team Wolfje #007 Antique Copper LEVGC Geocoin 2006 - Tuur on Tour Antique SilverVGC Geocoin 2006 - Wilg #098 Antique SilverVGC Geocoin 2008 - Franky639 Black Nickel / GreenVGC Geocoin 2008 - Franky639 - BN/Black Black Nickel / BlackVGC Geocoin 2008 - Kapitein Haak Polished SilverVGC Geocoin 2008 - Riesjart & Superconny #074 Black Nickel LE (75)VGC Geocoin 2008 - Team Delta 123 buoy Polished Gold LEVGC Geocoin 2008 - Team Delta123 - Copper Polished CopperVGC Geocoin 2008 - Team Delta123 - Silver Polished SilverVGC Geocoin 2008 - Team Disney Polished Silver / Polished GoldVGC Geocoin 2008 - Team Sweetlake Gold Polished GoldVGC Geocoin 2008 - Team Sweetlake Silver Polished SilverVGC Geocoin 2008 - Wandelaartjes AC #093 Antique CopperVGC Geocoin 2008 - Wandelaartjes AG #012 Antique GoldVGC Geocoin 2008 - Wandelaartjes AS #040 Antique SilverJL's Treasure Chest - Viking Heritage
Icon Infocode Bild Name TB2VWW1 Birka Geocoin AE (165) SG02-6 Artist Edition (165)Mega THOR Hammer - Middle-World Geocoin (175) Antique CopperNorwegian Vikings - The Great Ax Geocoin AE (50) Antique CopperNorwegian Vikings - The Helmet Geocoin AE (30) Antique CopperNorwegian Vikings - The Oseberg Dragon Geocoin AE (30) Antique CopperNorwegian Vikings - The Oseberg Ship Geocoin AE (30) Norwegian Vikings Geocoin - The Brooch AE (30) Antique CopperNorwegian Vikings Geocoin (170) Satin Gold & BlackThor's Hammer Geocoin - AC Antique Copper (100)Valhalla - Fenrir Geocoin AE (30) Antique CopperValhalla - Hugin and Munin Geocoin - EU - XLE (50) Satin SilverValhalla - Hugin and Munin Geocoin - US - AE (30) Antique CopperViking Heritage: Axe Geocoin Antique Copper & Brushed NickelViking Heritage: Helmet Geocoin Antique Copper & Nickel LE (75)Viking Heritage: Shield Geocoin Antique Copper & Brushed NickelViking Heritage: Sword Geocoin Antique Copper & Nickel LE (75)Vikinghjelm Geocoin - AS Antique SilverThe ones in the wild
Icon Infocode Bild Name TB2Z2AA 4 some1 special (EXMAN Replacement) TB2AT1P Bob Lightning TB2PHNH Cacher, Erger Je Niet! (EXMAN Replacement) TB1MB11 Crikey Fundraiser Geocoin TB2NJ2E Infected by: Lightning Borrelia bacteria (EXMAN Replacement) TB2NKNV Infected by: Lightning Coccus bacteria (EXMAN Replacement) TB2NJEK Infected by: Lightning Coli bacteria (EXMAN Replacement) TB2YAH0 Infected by: Lightning Herpes Simplex Labialis Virus TB2VVJ5 Infected by: Lightning Influenzia/SB/09 Virus (EXMAN Replacement) TB2NHNZ Infected by: Lightning Moebius parasite (EXMAN Replacement) TB2TYQM J.L.'s First Compass Rose Token Geocoin TB6160T JL's ET to BE Race TB TB72WKW JL's Little Pearl Truck TB2TTNZ Johnny Cacher (EXMAN Replacement) TB2EBJQ Johnny Edelweiss (EXMAN Replacement) TB2TYQK Johnny Lightning goes California TB26ZCV Johnny Lightning's 55 Nomad TB (EXMAN Replacement) TB312FW Johnny's Black Haida Bear (EXMAN Replacement) TB2M07C Johnny's Coin Odyssey Game TB305J6 Johnny's Crystal Glass Coin (Leadfree :-) (EXMAN Replacement) TB36R8D Johnny's Flying Pig TB2F0B3 Johnny's Haida Goat (EXMAN Replacement) TB2V3PF Johnny's Mapamundi Coin TB34FPT Johnny's Mysterious Mystery Micro (EXMAN Replacement) TB2AT14 King Lightning (EXMAN Replacement) TB2CNYD Kiss me quick ... (EXMAN Replacement) TB2W4A0 Lackey Lightning 2009 TB2NE75 Lightning Across the Atlantic (EXMAN Replacement) TB31Z1N Lightning BAT (EXMAN Replacement) TB2KEPV Lightning Beaver Dude goes Canada (EXMAN Replacement) TB2QERJ Lightning Black GeoGem (EXMAN Replacement) TB2HFAA Lightning Cach' & Lightning Reelease TB30D31 Lightning Caching Dragon TB2DBCE Lightning Coalcache TB2MHD8 Lightning Dosenfischer TB2EBTJ Lightning Edelweiss (EXMAN Replacement) TB263FY Lightning Express Geocoin TB288WD Lightning Gaudi (EXMAN Replacement) TB2Z273 Lightning Gemini (EXMAN Replacement) TB2XVWC Lightning Georattler (EXMAN Replacement) TB34CCP Lightning Horseshoe Crab (EXMAN Replacement) TB2GAAG Lightning Knights (EXMAN Replacement) TB2YF39 Lightning Micro Compass Rose (EXMAN Replacement) TB2BEC9 Lightning Micro Shell (EXMAN Replacement) TB34WJ3 Lightning Mini 50th Anniversary (EXMAN Replacement) TB31TKH Lightning Naymlap TB2ZVMC Lightning Orca (EXMAN Replacement) TB2669V Lightning Penguin goes Antarctica TB2GZY3 Lightning Proving Trail (EXMAN Replacement) TB2NRYF Lightning Seashell (EXMAN Replacement) TB2ZF86 Lightning Space Gate (EXMAN Replacement) TB27BC2 Lightning TB Race (EXMAN Replacement) TB2H7Q8 Lightning Travel Case TB35TVG Lightning Travel Dolphin TB36JMP Lightning Travel Dragon (EXMAN Replacement) TB2YDP5 Lightning Travel Space Shuttle Geocoin TB30XVM Lightning Wonders (EXMAN Replacement) TB1YVTD Lightning's 1967 Ford Mustang Fastback (EXMAN Replacement) TB2XAEB Lightning's Extreme Racing Cab Coin TB2E55X Lightning's Eye TB2PW6W Lightning's Friend Geocoin TB2QD55 LightningGeoGold TB2AKJ5 Magnetic Travel Bug - Lost @ the car wash TB2MQ3W My Traveling 2 Cents - Lightning Copper TB2MQ68 My Traveling 2 Cents Geocoin - Lightning Silver TB4NPQ0 Native Lightning Killer Whale TB4NPT9 Native Lightning Thunderbird TB4NQ4D Native Lightning Wolf TB2CYVM Nordrhein-Westfalen Geocoin 2008 Replacement TB2QQ6T Pure. Color Geocoin - Geocaching Blue TB2Y9VF Pure. Color Geocoin - Geocaching Green TB2Y9VY Pure. Color Geocoin - Geocaching Orange TB2VW22 Pure. Color Geocoin - Geocaching Yellow TB2AT11 Queen Lightning (Exman Replacement) TB2Z6KT Save The Ammocan's (EXMAN Replacement) TB1P7N8 The (B)umpersticker Geocoin (EXMAN Replacement) TB8NPYD The Early Years of Mary Hyde TB283MR The Lord of the Lightnings - Earth Geocoin TB2KPGA The Lord of the Lightnings - Fire Geocoin (EXMAN Replacement) TB2N001 This cache is haunted by Ghost Lightning (EXMAN Replacement) TB2VM54 Tlightning Travel Turtle TB28K5B TrakaLightning Weimaraner - Luka (EXMAN Replacement) TB351DF Travelling Lightning Ladybird Stamp Africa (Exman Replacement) TB350RH Travelling Lightning Ladybird Stamp Antarctica (EXMAN Replacement) TB31RWJ Travelling Lightning Ladybird Stamp Asia TB350V0 Travelling Lightning Ladybird Stamp Europe (EXMAN Replacement) TB31T4Q Travelling Lightning Ladybird Stamp North America TB3510P Travelling Lightning Ladybird Stamp Oceania (EXMAN Replacement) TB350MN Travelling Lightning Ladybird Stamp South/Central America Trackable T's
Icon Infocode Bild Name TB6PJR6 Geocoinfest Europe 2014 ULM - Blue L-Shirt TB6PK00 Geocoinfest Europe 2014 ULM - Green M-Shirt TB6PGRT Geocoinfest Europe 2014 ULM - Grey U-Shirt TB7CZYB Geocoinfest Europe 2015 Blue T-Shirt TB6ABFE JL's BB IV Mega Red Shirt TB7TMCV JL's BB6 Mega Event T-Shirt TB8ETVZ JL's Geocoinfest EU 2017 Orga T-Shirt TB5VXXB JL's Geocoinfest Europe 2013 - Aqua Prague Shirt TB5VXXA JL's Geocoinfest Europe 2013 - Blue Prague Shirt TB7RE11 JL's GeoNord 2016 T-Shirt TB8ENEW JL's GeoNord 2017 T-Shirt TB8YQGH JL's GeoNord 2018 T TB786A1 JL's GPS Maze Europe 2015 Mainz T-Shirt TB8EVBD JL's Great Moravia 2017 T-Shirt TB783ZZ JL's Mega Sweden FAD 2015 T-Shirt TB6XQ8B JL's MegAdvent Grey MotorWerk Shirt 2014 TB7QP8T JL's MvdN Fluo TB6GFX1 JL's TGW14 Trackable T Pathtags / Extagz
Tokens (other)
TB & Tags unactive
Icon Infocode Bild Name TB7AWY8 Tipsy met Brian in Seattle TRADE ONLY ... Lackey Tags I don't have ...Cachekinz Compass Rose Geocoin Micro Founders Tag TRADE ONLY ... Lackey tags I don't have ...Gingerbread Geocache Tag Hide It, Find It, Log It Tag Holiday Ammo Can Tag I Met Signal Tag Trade only for GS or Lackey tags I don't have ...I Met Signal Tag Issaquah Trolley Cachekinz Love Tag TRADE ONLY ... Lackey tags I don't have ...Travel Bug Dog Tag Travel Bug Dog Tag Travel Bug Dog Tag - Green Travel Bug Dog Tag - Orange Travel Bug Dog Tag (green) Trade for BLUE TBTravel Bug Dog Tag (orange) Trade for the BLUE version ...Travel Bug Dog Tag (orange) Trade for BLUE TBTravel Dolphin Geocoin Possible keepers
Icon Infocode Bild Name TB450TY Haec Libertatis Ergo Geocoin Black Nickel & Antique Gold XLE (20)12 Provincien Geocoinrace 2008-2009 Geocoin - AC LE (40) Antique Copper LE (40)40 Years Man on the Moon - Earth Geocoin - AC XLE (75) Antique Copper XLE (75)40 Years Man on the Moon - Moon Geocoin - AC XLE (75) Antique Copper XLE (75)40 Years Man on the Moon - Start Geocoin - AC XLE (75) Antique Copper XLE (75)4musketeers Cavalier Geocoin - AC Antique Copper4musketeers Imperialist Geocoin - AC Antique CopperCeltic Tree of Life Geocoin Antique Copper LE (59)da Vinci Geocoin - Vitruvian Antique BronzeDutch Geocoin 2007 - AB Antique BronzeF-16 Fighting Falcon Geocoin - AS Geocaching Waldeck-Frankenberg 2013 Geocoin AG Geocaching Waldeck-Frankenberg 2013 Geocoin AS Geocoin Club October 2008 Geocoin - Nocturnal Hunter - AC SE Antique Copper Trackable Token Geocoin Groningen Stad en Ommeland Geocoin - PG&AC XLE (10) Polished Gold & Antique Copper XLE (10)Groundspeak Wherigo Geocoin Antique SilverHigh Seas Pirate Adventure Geocoin Honu Geocoin - AC Antique CopperJourney Geocoin Antique Copper / GreenJurassic World Geocoin Leap Year 2016 Multi Event Poison Dart Frog Geocoin - GS green/blue Leap Year 2016 Multi Event Poison Dart Frog Geocoin - GS yellow/pink MallorGeo 2008 Geocoin - AC Antique CopperMini Seashell Geocoin AC Aged Seashell Antique Copper with red stoneNorwegian Geocoin 2008 - AC LE (250) Antique Copper LE (250)Puffin' my way to the next cache Geocoin Polished CopperRembrandt Geocoin - PS&AC XLE (12) Polished Silver & Antique Copper XLE (12)ROMA Geocoin Antique BronzeTeam Sand Dollar 2008 Pacific Geocoin Misty Gold (75?)Templar Geocoin - AC Antique CopperTengwar Geocoin - AC (34) Antique Copper (34)Tranquility Geocoin - Trickster Polished Copper \"Trickster\" LE (35)FB
nicht zugewiesen
Icon Infocode Bild Name TB1NH05 Australia 2007 Geocoin Black Nickel & Polished Gold XLETB6Q5MC Big Bert Geocoin TB3712V Book of Kells Geocoin Foggy Gold XLE (50)TB3T6CH Cache Owl Geocoin TB2GRHT CacheHawk Geocoin Antique Copper Trade Only VersionTB1M751 Chelmo's NZ Silver Fern Geocoin Foggy SilverTB1W87Y Colorado 2007 State Geocoin TB6799J Community Volunteer Travel Tag TB27Z8J Cornwall 2008 Geocoin Antique Copper (230)TB35M58 Creatures of Nightcaching Geocoin Antique Copper Artist Edition (50)TB2WH1D CrotalusRex & Mimichan Geocoin Antique Copper LETB6JCXC Dalarna Geocoin TB15E1C Danish Geocoins 2008 TB44VPY Daoine Sìth Geocoin Black Nickel / Light BlueTB78XBW Die Heldenlegion der Xantike Geocoin - das Schild TB78PDC Die Heldenlegion der Xantike Geocoin - das Schwert TB792X8 Die Heldenlegion der Xantike Geocoin - der Helm TB5MQAQ Dionysios' Double Deka Drachme Historic Geocoin TB706TA Dutch Geocoin 2014 TB3GQZ8 Dutch Rider Geocoin Polished Gold & Black Nickel XLE (15)TB72Q67 Fastnachts Mainzelmännchen Geocoin TB5T3PD Founder’s PirateTag TB53XC5 Geo-Fossil TB53X8V Geo-Fossil TB6B25N Geocaching HQ Tag TB18BCA - Gauss Geocoin Antique SilverTB2ECEK Geocoin Club June 2008 Geocoin Antique Silver RETB5Z7Q5 GeoCoinfest - Las Vegas Dice TB1X0W3 Gordon Bennett 2007 Geocoin Antique Copper SE (150)TBP235 Groundspeak Lackey Geocoin TB450RZ Haec Libertatis Ergo Geocoin Foggy Gold & Antique Silver XLE (20)TB2P6QV Honu Geocoin Satin Silver Trade Only VersionTB7D8ZF HQ GeoTour Geocoin TB1HJ9Q ID Timberwolf 2 Geocoin TB58T5A Island Spiritosaurus Geocoin Antique Silver & Polished Gold LandSharkz EditionTB16HZV Johnny's Prowler53 Geocoin TB168GW Johnny's Rome Geocoin TB77166 Kiel Siegel Geocoin TB2CP8Y Lizards Lizards! Geocoin Pink Artist Edition (15)TB2CPCV Lizards Lizards! Geocoin Lime Artist Edition (15)TBY86P Log the Lightning Loggerhead TB6GP2B Mainzelmännchen Anton Geocoin TB6GPZ7 Mainzelmännchen Berti Geocoin TB6GR2W Mainzelmännchen Conni Geocoin TB6GT0C Mainzelmännchen Det Geocoin TB6GV4B Mainzelmännchen Edi Geocoin TB6GW2R Mainzelmännchen Fritzchen Geocoin TB31TBV Naymlap Geocoin Sepp & Berta Edition LE (246)TB5VD91 Peace Night & Day Geocoin TB2FAVX Quebec 2008 Geocoin Black Nickel LETB34XR3 Rembrandt Geocoin Black Nickel & Foggy Silver XLE (12)TB34CFX Rhode Island Horseshoe Crab Geocoin TB6HTD0 Rondje Vlaanderen Geocoin Black Nickel RETB6EM40 Rondje Vlaanderen Geocoin Polished Gold & Glitter LETB4WBK9 Shark Tooth Geocoin TB6BA3R Tawny Owl Geocoin TB4R5MF Templar MMXI Geocoin TB5MQ62 Tetradrachme of Athens Historic Geocoin TB7931R Tetradrachmon Geocoin TB77A2G The old Book Geocoin TB2VX7N thepeterstrio Geocoin Black Nickel & Polished Gold LE (50)TB2TZMT Titanic Geocoin Antique Copper AETB2YMJV Trilobite Geocoin Antique SilverTB62M8C Waymarking Geocoin 2CV Geocoin - La Bordelaise (50) 366 Days of Geocaching Tag African Safari Geocoin - LE Shiny Copper/Green (30) Ardennes Tour Geocoin Avroair Aviator Geocoin Avroair Spitfire Geocoin - Prototype LPE (50) Berchtesgadener Geocoin - Kehlsteinhaus (ss) XLE (50) Bob Wuz Here Geocoin Brezen Geocoin - Eisbär77 (25) H Polished NickelBrugse Beer IX Mega Event Keychain Caching Dragon Geocoin Antique CopperCapricorni Geocoin Celtic Shield Geocoin - AC (50) Celtic Sword Geocoin - AC (115) Cutethulhu Geocoin - Aphoom-Zhah (25) Dala Horse Geocoin - Traditional Red Black Nickel - Traditional Red LE (75)Devilz Ride Geocoin - Hikaru (95) Blue / Red / OrangeDirtbag Geocaching Society - Belgium - LordT (black) Dirtbag Geocaching Society - Belgium - LordT (orange) Dirtbag Geocaching Society - Belgium - Spockske Dragon Warrior Dragon Wings Spinner (45) XLE Antique CopperDutch Geocoin 2006 Enjoying Life (Manneken-Pis) (50) Antique Copper LEGC_Meneer_Janssens Personal Coin Geocaching - All In One Geocoin 2008 Geocaching Holiday Tag Geocaching HQ Geocoin - AB Red Geocaching HQ Tag Geocoinfest 2015 Nebraska Event Geocoin - FRIENDS (85) Antique Silver & Antique Bronze planes (4)Geocoinfest 2015 Nebraska Event Geocoin - VIP (100) Satin Silver & Black Nickel planes (3)GeoWoodstock XVI Geocoin - Promo Got Thirsty? Geocoin - Friends AG (50) Holiday Tree Travel Bug International EarthCache Day 2016 Geocoin - Ghost Edition (LE Error) LE (75)?International EarthCache Day 2016 Geocoin - Gold Edition International EarthCache Day 2016 Geocoin - Limited Edition International EarthCache Day 2016 Geocoin - Ruby Edition (70) International EarthCache Day 2016 Geocoin - Silver Edition Jaguar - Panthera Onca Geocoin - LE (75) AC green eyes Karen Jordan's Final Fortune Gemini AE (16) Antique Gold / Antique SilverLeaping into 2020; an Extra Day of Caching Fun! - BGA Leaping into 2020; an Extra Day of Caching Fun! - GS LONGTOMSILVER's Personals Antique CopperMayan Astronaut Geocoin Antique Copper SEmel-whv's Personal Geocoin Merlin’s Circle Geocoin - AB & Lime - AE (20) Miterathea Geocoin - Loom of Heaven Pocket Decoder Geocoin - AS Antique SilverRed Knight Geocoin Remembrance Day 2013 Geocoin - AC Remembrance Day 2014 Geocoin »Nan Red« [SS - LE] Remembrance Day 2017 - 3rd Division ACRemembrance Day 2018 ACRemembrance Day 2019 ACRoad Trip 2015 Geocoin Rondje Vlaanderen Geocoin - CO Edition rygemini Geocoin Signal the Frog Micro Geocoin Suske en Wiske (50) #8/50 glow & translucenttake it izzi Geocoin (80) RE - Black Nickel (80)The Great Warrior Battle Axe The Travel Dog The Travel Dog The Travel Dog Tracking Time Geocoin Antique Gold RE (1350)GWS XI Turtle - Johnny Lightning Geowoodstock XI - Johnny Lightning non-trackable turtle in Black Nickel finish - Edition of 50Piet Heyn Geocoin Sample track# xxxxxxSaffier Teddybear Polished Gold & Silver Glitter
Gesuche von Johnny Lightning (23)
Icon | Name | hinzugefügt |
2017 WSGA |
26.11.2017 | |
45-RPM Spindle Adapter Geocoin |
10.09.2017 | |
Berlin - Cacherhauptstadt Geocoin Antique Copper |
10.10.2016 | |
C5Z Geocoin |
27.06.2016 | |
Country Legends Manitoba 2015 (WestCan5) Official Event Geocoin |
15.01.2016 | |
EarthCache Master Geocoin - Bronze Geocoin |
12.03.2015 | |
EarthCache Master Geocoin - Platinum Geocoin |
26.09.2015 | |
Explorer Tag - Bryan |
23.06.2017 | |
Explorer Tag - Elias |
23.06.2017 | |
Founders Gnome Tag - Jeremy |
02.11.2015 | |
Founders Gnome Tags - Elias |
02.11.2015 | |
Going Caching MMXIV Event Coin |
14.10.2016 | |
International Geocaching Day 2013 Geocoin silver |
02.11.2016 | |
Lackey Tag Radnor - Prying Pandora - Nicole/LouisBliss - Sandy - Tiffysale - PhillThriller - Katie - Sara - Arne - Moun10bike - Erin - Ernesto - FraggleRoxx- DovaDov - Paul - Kenalopod - Tieyak - Rein - Naren - Foxfire - Chrisy - WhiskeyBones - Larry - Geostasher - |
18.10.2015 | |
Magic: The Gathering, Rivals of Ixalan Trackable: Dinosaur |
28.12.2017 | |
Magic: The Gathering, Rivals of Ixalan Trackable: Merpeople |
28.12.2017 | |
Remembrance Day 2012 Geocoin |
28.01.2020 | |
Remembrance Day 2015 Geocoin |
28.01.2020 | |
Remembrance Day 2016 Geocoin |
28.01.2020 | |
Spirit: 2010 Geocoin Copper Version Silver Version |
06.03.2015 | |
VGC Geocoin 2006 Mathlener |
06.06.2017 | |
VGC Geocoin 2006 Wij Drie |
06.06.2017 | |
VGC Geocoin 2006 MVS Team Pooh |
11.11.2016 |